The House of Compass is the first house in the Game of Riches. This is the house of distance, thought, and good vibrations. Thoughts or vibrations travel like Wi-Fi waves, and each of us has a perfect sending and receiving Wi-Fi antenna within us. This house tells you the direction from which your good vibrations will be coming, and helps you to pick up or understand, through concentration, the messages you will receive in this reading.
Game of Riches is your fortune told with 32 Cards in 32 Houses. Each card’s fortune is different depending on which House it falls in. According to Games of Riches, life holds three to one in favor of good over evil and it is largely a matter of individual concentration and effort as to the success of a personal effort to gain the things which each of us desires. As you read through your fortune, focus on the message through the lens of your heart’s desire.
There are always unseen forces working in your favor. Concentrate on your wish or good fortune and not how it will manifest. Let IT surprise and Amaze you. If the fortune seems somewhat unpleasant, do not disregard. Sometimes, providence has to place something unpleasant in your way so you go in another direction. Take it as a sign you have been focused on what you don’t want. You don’t sit down at a restaurant or pull up to the drive through and tell the waiter or order-taker everything on the menu that you don’t want. Focus on what you DO want.
In general,
♥ a heart represents love, emotion, and friendship; anything of a personal nature
♦ a diamond represents fortune, riches, and wealth
♣ a club represents luck, wisdom, business, and growth
♠ a spade represents labor, transformation, and unpleasant things
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