1. Go to www.google.com/accounts.
2. Click on Sign up for a new Google Account in the upper right hand corner.
3. Enter your first and last name, then a username to be used as your Gmail account.
4. You can use letters, numbers, and periods.
5. If the username you type in is already taken, you will be asked to Try another? Try adding a period or a middle name.
6. Create a password a minimum of 8 characters in length. Try and use those extra characters, too, like %, $, &, etc. Your password strength should be “Strong.”
7. Fill in your Birthday. I didn’t receive a present from Google this year so I don’t know why Google wants this.
9. But you don’t have to tell…
10. Enter your Mobile phone number to keep your account secure.
11. Enter another email address for the same reason.
12. Enter proof that you are no robot.
13. If you are in the United Sates, do nothing to this box.
14. You may uncheck the first box if you like, but you will have to check the second box.
16. You can add a Profile Photo if you like, but you don’t need to. Click on Next step.