1. To create a Gmail account and a Google account. Click on CREATE AN ACCOUNT.

2. Create a name for your Gmail account. Check availability. If your name is taken (which I’m sure is not the case, you are unique, after all), several suggestions are made.

3. Create a password. A minimum of 8 characters in length. Try and use those extra characters, too, like %, $, &, etc. Your password strength should be “strong.”

4. Pick a security question and answer. Do not use spaces or punctuation. Save your answer as you would a password, not because someone can steal it, but because the answer has to be entered the same way each time. For instance, if your pet’s name is “St. Bernard.” you will need to enter it as StBernard and enter it that way whenever you are asked for it. Have a recovery email address for the “Recovery email” box.

5. Here are the security questions at this time.