Timely uses shortcodes so that you can place calendars on other pages besides the default Calendar page. The calendar can be set up to include a specific view and pre-filtered by categories, tags, and so on. Just copy the code below and add it to one of your pages.
The following shortcode attributes are available:
Default view as per settings: [ai1ec]
Monthly view: [ai1ec view=”monthly”]
Weekly view: [ai1ec view=”weekly”]
Agenda view: [ai1ec view=”agenda”]
Posterboard view: [ai1ec view=”posterboard”]
Stream view: [ai1ec view=”stream”]
Select a different start date: [ai1ec exact_date=”5-10-2016″]
Filter by event category name: [ai1ec cat_name=”halloween”]
Filter by event category names (separate names by comma): [ai1ec cat_name=”Halloween, Thanksgiving Day”]
Filter by event category ID: [ai1ec cat_id=”1″]
Filter by event category IDs (separate IDs by commas): [ai1ec cat_id=”1, 2″]
Filter by event tag name: [ai1ec tag_name=”halloween”]
Filter by event tag names (separate names by commas): [ai1ec tag_name=”Halloween, Thanksgiving Day”]
Filter by event tag ID: [ai1ec tag_id=”1″]
Filter by event tag IDs (separate IDs by commas): [ai1ec tag_id=”1, 2″]
Filter by post ID: [ai1ec post_id=”1″]
Filter by post IDs (separate IDs by commas): [ai1ec post_id=”1, 2″]
Hide filter toolbar: [ai1ec display_filters=”false”]
Limit number of events per page: [ai1ec events_limit=”5″]
Select a different start date: [ai1ec exact_date=”5-10-2016″]
Using the shortcode [ai1ec_interactive_frontend] you can place the “Post your event” button that opens the form on any page. For this feature, it is necessary to install Extended Views addon.
If you are combining attributes, use the following format:
[ai1ec view=”monthly” tag_name=”halloween”]